Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Happy Dance!

So, in a nutshell, the breast specialist says my % is much lower than thought and that I do not need to a boob job :) Happy Dance!!

Now, moving on with life <3

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Chek2 Gene Mutation and what that means...

So a few months back I had genetic testing done at the direction of my doctor, mainly because my grandmother had breast cancer and died at the age of 50 (before any of us grand kids were born). My initial report came back clean, nothing wonky or out of the ordinary. Then last week I get a call from my Dr. saying there was an updated report, one that shows a previously gene variant has new info and that I need to come in for all of this to be explained to.

I go in, the Dr. says this gene mutation, Chek2, means I have a high breast cancer risk and he suggested I get a bilateral prophylactic mastectomy and gave me information on what additional doctors to call. My Dr said that my risk is basically 1 in 2 or 1 in 3 chances of getting breast cancer. I asked him about other options, but really it comes down to talking to the Breast Specialist.

So now I am going to be seeing a Breast Specialist at Mercy in Baltimore this week. I am taking a ton of questions, my last 3 years of Mammograms and my one breast MRI.

Because holy fuck, this is going to be so intense, life altering and painful. A double mastectomy. My breasts, just - gone. Yes, I am going to get reconstructive surgery, but I like my boobs. I like how sensitive they are. Thank that all that is sacred I have insurance and this is covered.

Here is hoping good things are discussed with this doctors appointment...

Supplements to hopefully get my body back in some sort of order

 I pasted from a word document and this is kinda what it did. But yes, I am taking all of these and 2 more that I need to update to the list...